Free 'Affirmations and Journal Prompts for Starting the Day'

You’ve probably already heard of the importance of having morning rituals, or habits, as a way to start the day off in a positive direction.

But as you might have discovered, it isn’t a matter of having rituals or habits, but it is a matter of actually training the brain to set yourself up for success on a daily basis.

For some people, it’s making their bed immediately upon rising.

For others, it’s taking a walk outside to get the blood flowing the minute they wake up.

For others, it’s meditation or prayer.

And then there are some who have a cluster of habits that they do in the morning that really helps them seal their intentions for the day.

Whatever the ‘ritual’ or habit it is, the more important thing to consider is how you want to ‘feel’ during the day. And discover for yourself what morning habits or rituals will best serve that intention.

For example, do you want to feel full of energy and in alignment as much as you possibly can?

Do you want to choose habits and rituals that are high vibrational, which will set the stage for the rest of the day?

Download my beautiful, FREE workbook today; ‘Affirmations and Journal Prompts for Starting the Day’, today, and quickly discover for yourself how adding Affirmations and Journal prompts into your morning routine will help lead you to becoming the F.I.R.E.Woman that you know you truly are!

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